30 January 2012

Me and my friends, or is it enemies?

I hate my sleep, and I am sort of afraid of sleeping. I know it is weird to be afraid of it, but I usually have some bad dreams when I sleep, and that makes me often wake up in the middle of the night, not bathed in sweat as many people say they do. I usually wake up, and feel like a monster, because I usually do not feel a thing, just like no feelings at all. I realized some time back that the only reason I have these bad dreams and nightmares, is because I have friends, and that is why I am not sure they are friends.

I woke up this morning, or actually it was night, and I could not go back to sleep. I had a nightmare of me walking on some stairs upwards, and then I met this girl that have done so much for me, and she stopped me. She turned around and said to me that she could never see me again, and then I said no to it and that I didnt want her to leave my life, but she pushed me away and i fell down the stairs and she was smiling. When I stopped falling, I was laying on the floor and then this other girl walked by, this girl have helped me a lot too, and I was thinking that she would help me, but the only thing she did was talking, about that I should never let people so close, and I should never make people help me so much, because I am pushing them away. After saying that she walked away and I woke up.

I am losing myself, and my soul.

1 comment:

  1. Sajro, despite this being a somewhat old post, I want to say that it pains me to see you suffer. I hope you realise that your dreams are as they are because they're based on your subconsciousness. And, judging from your blog, your subconsciousness has regret and/or guilt. If I were to take a guess, you're regretting not being able to pay your friends back for the help.
    In that case, know that friends don't need to be repaid. They help you to help you, not to make you in dept. I'm sure your friends would agree; you owe them nothing.

    Your friend,


    PS: If you can't sleep due to nightterrors, I'd recommend smoking cannabis before going to bed. It takes away your worries, and you are unable to dream if you go to bed high.
