3 November 2011

All those nightmares.

The last few weeks the dreams I have had, have been one long dream they have been keeping on the same story. It is not always a serious nightmare sometimes it is just nothing really, but when it is a nightmare I usually wake up bathed i sweat and I'm not kidding. The dreams are about that I went to this foreign place probably not in this world, and I'm running around trying to make a life, but wherever I run these wolfes keep attacking me or my friends, and usually they kill them. When my friends die the only thing that happens is that these demons appear and takes over there body starting to tell me that everything is my fault, that I am the responsible for there death. I am so scared everytime I wake up that I cant sleep again, I am really scared and my sleeping habbit is so bad at the moment.

Protect your soul- Nightmares are a soul killer.

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