5 October 2011

Emmotions and feelings, why do they exist?

I dont know why but this day has, just turned upside down, it started of so well and i really thought it would be one of those days, where I would be happy. It didnt go that way, i have went back to being what i used to be a person who have no control of his feelings, any of them, right now I'm experiencing both happines and sadness, anger and tolerance, I think you get the picture, but worst of all I am not quite sure if anybody really cares about me, or they are just pretending, I dont hope so, because i will found out someday and that will hurt my soul, if my soul is hurt by people i thought where my friends, i will make sure it is the last time my soul is ever hurt, not that I would do something stupid like suicide, but I would kinda kill my soul and burrow all my emotions and feeling, I would even take great distance to everyone I thought where my friends, that way I'm sure they will never hurt me.

Protect your soul- it is the essence of yourself.

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